BAFTA Spotlight: Interview with Bafta Nominated Crab Day directed by Ross Stringer

What drew you to start a career in animation? I never planned it really, but I’d started playing around with animation as a hobby in college, and then I tried my luck at a university course, and then I tried my luck at an MA, and then I was an animator. I think it had something to do with being exposed to independent short films … Continue reading BAFTA Spotlight: Interview with Bafta Nominated Crab Day directed by Ross Stringer

OSCAR SPOTLIGHT: Oscar Shortlisted animation Ninety-Five Senses directed by Jared and Jerusha Hess and voiced by Tim Blake Nelson

Directed by Jared Hess and Jerusha Hess; it is an interesting weave of a condemned man’s reflections on life through the worldly five senses; the last meal a sumptuous selection of fast food and a la carte is the prompt for the reminiscing to begin. The inmate’s accent a southern American drawl, voiced by Tim Blake Nelson is an interesting selection as this region is … Continue reading OSCAR SPOTLIGHT: Oscar Shortlisted animation Ninety-Five Senses directed by Jared and Jerusha Hess and voiced by Tim Blake Nelson

OSCAR SHORT FILM REVIEW: LAIKA & NEMO – Friendship can make the world a brighter place

A film review by Jamie Richardson Writer Jan Gadermann who co-directs with Sebastian Gadow took the theme of a good person being bullied and mocked and blended it into a stop-motion animation movie. The result is true brilliance at its best.  True to form the stop motion movie is silent with occasional vocal noise; what stood out the most was the story is told largely … Continue reading OSCAR SHORT FILM REVIEW: LAIKA & NEMO – Friendship can make the world a brighter place